Ahn, Joong Bae

Title : Professor

Academic Degree : Ph.D

Tel : (051)510-2290

Prof. Room : 510, Professor Research Room, Research & Lab Bldg(313).,Pusan National University

e-mail : jbahn@pusan.ac.kr


  Ph.D. - Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University

Main Career

  Visiting Professor, Atmospheric Sciences Program, University of California at Davis
  The Head of the Atmospheric Sciences Department, Pusan National University
  Researcher, Climate Research Center, Oregen States University
  Researcher, Ocean Physics Lab, Korea Ocean Rearch & Development Institude(KORDI), KAIST


  President, National Meteorological Supercomputer Replacement Promotion Committee,
   National Center for Meteorological Supercomputer(NCMS)

  President, Atmospheric Science Section, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS)
  Honorary Research Fellow, Rural Development Administration(RDA)

  President, Korean Meteorological Society(KMS)
  Korean Member, Technical Commission for Marine Meteorology, World Meteorological Organization(WMO)
  Consultant Climate Specialist Comittee, KMA
  Consultant of El Nino Team, KMA


  2017. The Order of Service Merit Red Stripes Award
  2006. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Prize
  2014. The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Commendation Award
  1999. KMA Award
  2018. Korean Meteorological Society(KOMES) Woon-Jae Scholarship Prize
  2016. Korean Meteorological Society(KOMES) Achievement Award
  1999. Korean Meteorological Society(KOMES) Song-Cheon Scholarship Prize
  2016. S-OIL Superb Thisis Advisor Award
  2017. National R&D Top 100th
  Registered in the Marquis Who's Who (2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021)
  Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (2017, 2018)
  50 environmental experts selected by Korea ecojouranlists Assocaiton in 2013 (2014)

Research Interests

  Long-term and Climate Predictions
  Climate Change and its Variability
  Large-Scale Interaction between Atmosphere and Ocean
  Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics
  Coupled General Circulation Modeling(CGCM)
  Dynamic and Statistical Downscaling